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CWA NJ State Worker Bargaining TA 2023

NJ State Workers: Learn More About Your 2023-2027 Contract!

About CWA District 1

CWA District 1 represents 145,000 workers in 200 CWA local unions in New Jersey, New York, New England, and eastern Canada, including 70,000 workers in New Jersey. CWA members work in telecommunications, health care, higher education, manufacturing, broadcast and cable television, commercial printing and newspapers, state, local, and country government. In New Jersey, we represent 35,000 State workers.

By standing together in our union, we are powerful and able to negotiate good contracts with job security, quality affordable health benefits, and many other terms and conditions of our employment including vacation time, sick leave, health and safety protections, and wage increases. In NJ, we also have a funded and guaranteed pension because CWA members have mobilized for a secure retirement with dignity.

D1 has been a leader in supporting community-labor alliances like Jobs With Justice and Citizen Action New Jersey. In New Jersey, our state worker locals have waged strong fights against attacks on the public sector by former Governor Chris Christie, and helped elect pro-worker State legislators - including re-electing Governor Phil Murphy - who put working families first.

2023 - 2027 New Jersey State Worker Contract

State of NJ CWA/CBA 2023-2027


New Jersey State Worker CWA Membership Card

Membership Card preview image


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Ready to make changes at your job – to increase your pay and benefits, make sure you are safe and healthy while at work, and - most importantly - get the respect and dignity we all deserve from the boss?

Click here if you are ready to stand together with your co-workers to improve your working conditions by joining our union and building power.